Monday, September 6, 2010

September... Ready or Not!

Kane County in September was kind of a last minute thing. I was emailed by a couple people that'd met me in August and inquired about my return. How could I say no?

The week before the show I decided to go. I had my doubts- it was Labor Day weekend, the weather had not been so great the last couple shows, were there going to be any people, etc... Well, let's just say that Kane was good to me this month!

There were people like crazy! The location was fantastic- right across from the COW truck (Curds of Wisconsin... fried cheese- yum!), the bathrooms weren't too far away and there was a family selling HUGE mums from their farm next to me. It was sooo great and I am sooo grateful to the people that came out and supported my effort!

I received a few tips on how to expand my business and got the names of a couple places to try and sell my merchandise. I could not have asked for more!

And the good news is that some of my lovely OOAK pieces SOLD!! Zora and Lenore found good homes- in the same girl with FANTASTIC taste!

Etsy has been a little better so I'm pleased with that as well.

I've got another show coming up in Momence- the Good Shepard Manor Fall Fest on Saturday Sept. 18.