Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Flu...

It had taken hold of me all week. Striking quick, like a snake, I didn't even see it coming. Started feeling sick Monday night- but was already taking Tuesday off for a family emergency. Woke up Tuesday morning and ached all over. Had a fever over 100 and felt awful. Slept nearly all day. Wednesday barely woke up, got to work, had to turn around nearly right away and go back home. Fever over 102. Slept for nearly 6 hours- felt worse. Woke up Thursday- nauseous. My God, I wonder, is this thing ever going to come to an end? Nope... Sick like a dog on Thursday. Friday- feeling slightly better- still no work. I didn't go to work for 4 days straight. I have only done that once and that was for my honeymoon last December. Then, I woke up on Saturday feeling a bit more human.
Here we are on Sunday. Headache- check, tired- check, ready to go back to work- check... Hell yes I am... if it were between being that sick and being off or feeling like I am now and working- I will most certainly take going back to work!!

Moral- GO GET YOUR FLU SHOT!! (I thought it was too early... apparently, I was too late)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Charms

My mother has been working on her mad soldering skills and has made some new charms for our shop! The collages are original designs (by me- thank goodness for summer vacation because I don't think I could have made it through staying up until 2 am if I had to work in the morning). We hope you like them!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Name the artist and title of this song snippet: "I fell through the window and found that I was still breathing..."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Really Late Friday Trivia

It's late- I know... Here's the question:

What song is this lyric from AND who sung it- "Hey, it's me I'm dynamite and I don't know why."

Monday, September 7, 2009

This Past Weekend....

We did not make it to Kane County. I had a wedding to shoot any my mom had to work. So, unfortunately the flea markets gods were not on our side. Next month will be a no-go as well. I've got another wedding to shoot- and it'll be in Michigan- all weekend. And, you know how Chicago is in the Fall... you never know what'll happen in November.

That being said, we're trying to find some craft fairs to hook up with. I'll keep you posted.

(photo is one of my mother's fantastic creations. She's made this bracelet out of vintage costume jewelry)

Friday Trivia

Well, no one won. The answer was Singles- Cameron Crowe. It is one of my favorite movies ever!! I'll be back next week with another...