Monday, September 6, 2010

September... Ready or Not!

Kane County in September was kind of a last minute thing. I was emailed by a couple people that'd met me in August and inquired about my return. How could I say no?

The week before the show I decided to go. I had my doubts- it was Labor Day weekend, the weather had not been so great the last couple shows, were there going to be any people, etc... Well, let's just say that Kane was good to me this month!

There were people like crazy! The location was fantastic- right across from the COW truck (Curds of Wisconsin... fried cheese- yum!), the bathrooms weren't too far away and there was a family selling HUGE mums from their farm next to me. It was sooo great and I am sooo grateful to the people that came out and supported my effort!

I received a few tips on how to expand my business and got the names of a couple places to try and sell my merchandise. I could not have asked for more!

And the good news is that some of my lovely OOAK pieces SOLD!! Zora and Lenore found good homes- in the same girl with FANTASTIC taste!

Etsy has been a little better so I'm pleased with that as well.

I've got another show coming up in Momence- the Good Shepard Manor Fall Fest on Saturday Sept. 18.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kane County

So, last weekend I did Kane County with a new friend, Carrie. I met her at the Homewood Art and Garden Street Fair on Father's Day in May. It just so happened that the woman she was going to split with ended up getting sick and I wasn't going to have anyone help me so we decided that it'd be mutually beneficial to help each other out. You can see her goodies at

Kane was not so great... I felt terrible because Carrie does kick butt handsewn vintage fabric children's clothes. Her skills and taste are impeccable. I've been out 3 times before this past weekend and NEVER had I been so dead. The other vendors there said the same thing- not a ton of traffic.. maybe because it's back to school time... people are taking last minute vacations with their kids... whatever it was- who knows?

But, I met some great new people and a couple of them graciously came back to visit and kindly purchased some more goodies! I sold one of my cool new necklaces and only one ring- that was kind of a disappointment- but at least they found new homes. I'm working on some new ones- hopefully business will pick up once kids are back in school and the weather gets cooler- better to do online shopping like that...

Anyhow- here are some new things. Hope you like!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

and then there were more...

So I feel as though I should explain why I'm doing so much online and where I'm getting the time for all the crafting... it's easy... I'm an educator. So, these last 2 months have afforded me much needed and longed for creative time. It's crazy to see how easily I can slip out of the classroom and into the studio to make fun and darling little things.

The fit is easy- I just hope I can slip back into the classroom as easily. I'm sure there will be days that instead of focusing 100% on them I'll be dreaming about turning on some old Johnny Cash or REM vinyl or Rush of Blood to the Head by Coldplay and hammering out some new pieces.

It'll hurt a bit at first... perhaps something like creative withdrawal- don't get me wrong- teaching is a creative endevor- but manipulating materials is (sometimes) a far easier task than 13 and 14 year olds.

While I've got the time left I'm going to pour my heart into it... here are some more goodies that have been produced in the Out on a Limb Studio.... Hope you enjoy!
Rowan (a faux patina filigree hair clip with repurposed vintage costume jewelry); Beatrix (a filigree adjustable ring with a locket that opens and a darling cabochon); Zora (a filigree adjustable ring with repurposed vintage costume jewelry);
Rosaline (a faux patina filigree pendant with a large deep red rose cabochon)

Friday, July 23, 2010

The New Stuff....

Well... back a few years ago I fell in love with altered art... and I took a stab at it... I made some b-day cd covers- which were a hit! a few windows... but never dared to sell any of it. So I put the artsy stuff down and moved to crafty... which has done well- I love my glass pendants- but it has left me feeling like I was falling short.

So... I went back to my artsy roots- they are years and layers thick. I pillaged my mother's old costume jewelry stash (she, too, is artsy), purchased some new stuff, some old stuff and cleared the glass to the side and went at it!

Here's what came from that first experiment:

I love it so much, I started making rings....

Friday, July 16, 2010

Eclipse Birthday Party!

I've been away a while... but I'm back! I am making a promise to myself to keep up with this blog from now on!

I'm uploading some pics from my Eclipse birthday party- I know... I know... but I couldn't help myself! I've become a Twihard this past year and I know that this, too, will pass- but for now, it's far too much fun!
My friend Marcy is a gifted graphic designer and she made the birthday banner for me! We played pin the fangs on the vampire and pin the nose on the werewolf! There were gift bags that were either Edward or Jacob themed- lip gloss- vampire red or werewolf neutral, raspberry or caramel chocolate, honey or woodsy bath salts (made my yours truly), and Team Edward or Team Jacob pendants (Out on a Limb Studio originals) and a "lotto" ticket.
I purchased cardboard cutouts of both Edward and Jacob, put posters from Teen Beat up on my wall- it reminded me of my bedroom when I was 14 but instead of Donnie Wahlberg and the other KNOTB fellas there was RPattz and Taylor Lautner. Food was all red and black themed- with a bit of purple thrown in. I made these awesome black cherry shots with Malibu and ginger ale. There was a non-alcoholic bevvie as well- a grape and cranberry punch with ginger ale and raspberry sherbert. After the party (which was only about an hour... we didn't even get to watch the whole of Twilight- it was playing in the background) we went to see Eclipse. Not too crazy about the movie- but the book was my fave out of the 4 and was quite disappointed with it.. but whatev! It was all about the girls and the fun that night!
It's getting late so I'm off- but will post some real stuff tomorrow- new jewelry and whatnot...

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Good news! There is a woman with a blog that convo'd me through Etsy saying she is going to feature me in her Things I Love Thursday!!

Here's the blog address:
I'm pretty excited!!

Here are some new buntings (I'm going to cross over into other hand sewn stuff over the summer when I've got more time)...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shabby Cottage Fabric Bunting

Here it is!! I need to work on the display of the bunting for photo purposes... Any suggestions?

Spring is around the corner

Hi all! I cannot believe that it's been almost 2 months since I've been posting.

Spring is almost here... who cares what Phil has to say. My mother and I have decided that we're going to start the flea market circuit again in April. So, we've gotta work on some new treasures. Here's one road we're taking- pennant banners.

When I was a little girl, I fancied myself a seamstress and would make cloth hats out of leftover fabric my nan had. She told me that I could make a straighter line than some adults she knew. But, as growing up sometimes does, I stopped using the sewing machine and lost my fervor for all things hand sewn.

As an adult, I've found that I want to go back to all things hand made. So, my nan, very excited that I was picking sewing up again, graciously purchased my very first sewing machine! Two pillowcases later the machine went into the closet. (I should add that this was 2 years ago- I've been afraid of the bloody thing) My fear of threading a bobbin kept me at bay. Then it was the loading up of the thread. I could find one excuse after another to why I couldn't use the thing.

Last summer I took the sewing machine out of the closet and put it on my dining room table- there it sat as a guest. Sometimes I would sit down, thread the bobbin, lace up the thread and sit there looking at it. My mom went out and got me a pattern, gave me some unused fabric and demanded that I use the damned thing to make a bag. Reluctantly I started the process.

After many stops and starts the sides and band came together. Then came the connection of the pieces. I could not understand how they were supposed to connect. So again, the machine sat. I tried again but could not make it happen. "Back up," I thought to myself. Going back to basics- straight lines, pinning, etc. led us to making these pennant banners- or bunting as some people call it.

We took them to Kane County and found that people loved them!! Now that I am feeling bulletproof again, the sewing machine is back out and I'm in the process of making some more pennants. I will post them as soon as they are completed.
