Friday, July 16, 2010

Eclipse Birthday Party!

I've been away a while... but I'm back! I am making a promise to myself to keep up with this blog from now on!

I'm uploading some pics from my Eclipse birthday party- I know... I know... but I couldn't help myself! I've become a Twihard this past year and I know that this, too, will pass- but for now, it's far too much fun!
My friend Marcy is a gifted graphic designer and she made the birthday banner for me! We played pin the fangs on the vampire and pin the nose on the werewolf! There were gift bags that were either Edward or Jacob themed- lip gloss- vampire red or werewolf neutral, raspberry or caramel chocolate, honey or woodsy bath salts (made my yours truly), and Team Edward or Team Jacob pendants (Out on a Limb Studio originals) and a "lotto" ticket.
I purchased cardboard cutouts of both Edward and Jacob, put posters from Teen Beat up on my wall- it reminded me of my bedroom when I was 14 but instead of Donnie Wahlberg and the other KNOTB fellas there was RPattz and Taylor Lautner. Food was all red and black themed- with a bit of purple thrown in. I made these awesome black cherry shots with Malibu and ginger ale. There was a non-alcoholic bevvie as well- a grape and cranberry punch with ginger ale and raspberry sherbert. After the party (which was only about an hour... we didn't even get to watch the whole of Twilight- it was playing in the background) we went to see Eclipse. Not too crazy about the movie- but the book was my fave out of the 4 and was quite disappointed with it.. but whatev! It was all about the girls and the fun that night!
It's getting late so I'm off- but will post some real stuff tomorrow- new jewelry and whatnot...

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